Mastering Pagination in Roq

Mastering Pagination in Roq

2024, Sep 20    

Adding pagination to your Roq site is an easy way to improve content navigation. Let’s walk through how to implement pagination and customize its behavior in your site.

Step 1: Basic Pagination Setup

First, include the following in your frontmatter on the page which will iterate on the paginated collection:

layout: main
paginate: posts

Next, in your template, loop through the paginated posts using:

{#for post in site.collections.posts.paginated(page.paginator)}
<article class="post">...</article>

Step 2: Adding Pagination Controls

To add pagination controls, add something like this to partials/pagination.html and include it in your page {#include partials/pagination.html/}:

{#include fm/pagination.html}
{#newer}<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>{/newer}
{#older}<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>{/older}

You can further customize your pagination by setting the page size and link format:

  size: 4
  collection: posts
  link: posts/page-:page

With these steps, you can create a flexible pagination system to improve your site’s navigation.