Do you want to publish a blog post series ?

Do you want to publish a blog post series ?

2024, Dec 06    

roq-plugins (5 Parts Series)

So you plan to do a series of blog posts about a given subject. This is as simple as adding a series attribute to the front matter of your posts.

Step 1: Add the Series plugin in your dependencies file:


Step 2: Edit the layout for your posts, for example when using roq-default theme:

layout: theme-layouts/roq-default/post

{#include partials/roq-series /} (1)

{#insert /} (2)
1 This will add the series partial before the post content, if it’s declared.
2 This is the post content.

And finally, use this layout and add the series attribute in the Front Matter of the posts you want to join.

layout: series-post
title: Assemble you blog post in a series
description: Automatically series header for your posts
tags: plugin, frontmatter, guide, series
author: John Doe
series: My series Title (1)
1 You should use the exact same title for all documents in the series.

It will add the following at the head of your post:

Series header

A bit like what you see at the very begining of this post.